Saturday, July 28, 2007


Thank you to all of you who have prayed for us with our new little man. We got the test results back on his kidney and bladder. He does not have the kidney reflux like they thought! Praise God! They did an ultrasound and said that everything is anatomically correct in there. My personal feeling is maybe he got the UTI from his circumcision, because he got sick 3-4 days after that procedure. Health wise he is still pretty tiny, despite being a preemie, he is still only 9 pounds and now 3 months old. He has very bad reflux. We are trying things right now to remedy it, but if you could remember to pray for that I would appreciate it. It hurts him, wakes him up, and is causing ALOT of extra laundry. (As if laundry with 5 kids isn't enough?!) Pray for sleep!

We are still dealing with insurance but hope to have it all worked out now. He will finally have coverage as of August 1st. We could not get it till we had legal custody and we could not get that till the home study was done. We got legal custody July 6th. The insurance wont start coverage of an adopted child in the middle of the month. Hmmm does that seem fair?!

Pray for the paternal termination, as it won't happen till August 21st. It as taken some time to get to this point. Reason being we were not home study ready. It took 6 weeks to get that document. Then some delays at the attorneys office. Then we have to wait 30 days from the point of the home study for the father's termination because he won't come in to sign termination papers. (rather he won't return atty's phone calls) The mom's rights were terminated 48 hours after birth because she signed papers. Hopefully adoption will be September. I don't foresee any other delays.

Thank you very much to all of you for your continual prayer & support. Over all Joshua is a very sweet and happy baby. He loves to talk to people and smiles so much. He is quite a snuggler! It's hard to imagine us without him!!


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