Friday, January 13, 2006


A few months ago I went to help out a local family when their house was chosen for the extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

When I found out it was happening, there was something inside me...... I just HAD to be there, I NEEDED to help.

I begged my husband, told him if I could go, it could count as Christmas and Birthdays and whatever else for years to come!

So, next I called my mom, and she is just as spontatious as me! We found a hotel in Port Orchard, (which happen to be the same hotel the family had been living in, and the same hotel that the design team was in) We packed up my 4 kids and headed north.

I was an amazing experience, truly profound. 24hours a day all week there was at least 400 volunteers working on the home in order to get it done. At times I just felt like a small cog in the bigger wheel, watching the world go round. It was cold, wet, and exhausting work, but I would not have traded the experience for anything. Even the two hours I stood guard over a hole so no one would sink in.

The family came home..... The air was just electrified with anticipation. The crowd went wild, as did the Kirkwoods as they saw their new home!

Later on I got the courage to look up Dawne's phone number and call her. I had taken about 50 pictures and I wanted to see if she would like me to email them. After talking she asked me my story, how did I come about helping. When I got to the part about my mom and 4 kids in the hotel all week she started to scream. "I heard about you, I've been praying to meet you, expcept no one knew your name!" I had no idea that anyone knew my story, let alone told it to Dawne. I think I only told two people there.

All in all it was one of my most favorite things I have done in my life so far!


At 3:34 PM , Blogger Jennifer S. said...

Cool Jenn. What a gorgeous house. Love that show!

At 10:56 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

Me too!! Thanks!


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