Happy Birthday To My East Coast Friend!!!
Here is Sue Ann opening her present while on the phone with me... I sent her stuff from Bath & Body Works, and since I didn't get to see the wrapping, she took this shot with her phone so I can see it. One year ago this week I was there visiting her! Happy Birthday Sue-Annie-Banannie
Fun New Birkenstocks!
I ***love*** my birks! I ran into a great shoe sale, and I got 5 for the price one 1! Smashing good deal! Here are my favorite two new pairs... the others I got were to pairs of clogs and one pair of loafers (All good sensible shoes) But these two..... fall in the FUN Category!
Ben has climbed a huge mountain in his life! He has finished his first year of T-Ball! Hooray!! It was tough at first, the first few weeks we were not sure if we should continue, but he persevered, and finally he made it to the point where we could go out and play all on his own! In the team picture, Benn is in the front row, second from the left.